Using the STAR method to apply for a job

Use the STAR method to plan your answers to interview questions and to show your skills and experience on a CV or application form.

The STAR method

  • situation - the situation you had to deal with
  • task - the task you were given to do
  • action - the action you took
  • result - what happened as a result of your action and what you learned from the experience

How to use STAR

You can use the STAR method to structure the examples you give to questions. You can use it to highlight particular skills and qualities you have that we are looking for.

When using STAR, remember:

  • you can use examples from work, home or volunteering
  • keep examples short and to the point


Tell me about a time when you have shown leadership skills.

Situation - in my previous digital marketing job, the company wanted to get more people to sign up to a newsletter which was not receiving a lot of attention.

Task - my job was to find a way of getting more people to sign up.

Action - I organised a meeting with other important members of the marketing team to come up with creative ideas, and I led the social media campaign to generate interest in the revamped newsletter.

Result - over a period of 3 months, there was an 25% increase in sign-ups to the newsletter and the approach I took was used by the management team in other departments.

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