Strategic equality objectives

The Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) requires listed bodies to review their existing equality objectives at least every four years.

In line with recommendations from the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) and The Welsh Government, the duty represents an opportunity for public sector bodies in Wales to work together to recognise and collectively impact against the challenges set out in the ‘Equality and Human Right Monitor: Is Wales Fairer’ (2023).

The Wales Public Bodies Equality Partnership represents a group of public bodies committed to working together to unite behind shared equality objectives. This approach promotes smarter working and creates opportunity for shared engagement, learning and intervention to achieve greater impact across the public sector and public services in Wales, contributing significantly to delivering equality. The Wales Public Bodies Partnership includes:

  • Velindre University NHS Trust
  • Cardiff & Vale University Local Health Board
  • Health Education & Improvement Wales
  • Sports Wales
  • Arts Council for Wales
  • Careers Wales
  • Higher Education Funding Council for Wales
  • National Museums Wales
  • Natural Resources Wales
  • Welsh Language Commissioner
  • Welsh Revenue Authority

The themes and objectives for our Strategic Equality Objectives 2020-2024 were developed with the Wales Public Bodies Equality Partnership (WPBEP) and form part of our Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2022-2025.

Due to Covid-19 and our ambition to develop a more specific action plan, tailored to our organisational priorities and values, we have not been able to progress the aims and objectives of our Strategic Equality Objectives 2020- 2024 for the full 4 years. With our D&I Strategy approved in early January 2022 and the Action Plan developed and becoming operational in June 2022, there has been insufficient time for us to start implementing the actions identified in the plan in full to be able to measure the change in culture and diversity as planned. All partners reported being in a similar position having not been able to progress the current Strategic Equality Objectives as planned. Thus, continuing with these same objectives with reviewed SMART actions will ensure we are both compliant with our legal duties and in line with the objectives of the partner organisations of WPBEP.

NRW carried out a consultation process between 15 December 2023 and 12 January 2024 on our Citizen Space consultation hub providing the public, stakeholders, partners, and staff with the opportunity to provide us with their views on whether they agree with the objectives and are there anything else that needs to be included. The consultation was also shared with members of our EDI Forum, Trade Unions, and our Employee Resource Groups - Staff Networks.

In summary, the objectives were agreed by an average of 75.3% of respondents with 17.1% stating they were not sure if they agreed with the objectives, and 7.6% stating they did not agree with all the objectives. There were no Welsh Language responses. Responses from the consultation have been utilised to confirm, strengthen the long-term intended outcomes by 2028. This will further inform measures and steps that the partnership will take to meet the intended outcomes of the Shared Strategic Equality Plan.

Shared Intent: ‘A Fairer Society and a More Equal Wales’

Wales Public Body Equality Partnership – Shared Long-Term Objectives (2024 – 2028)

The Wales Public Body Equality Partnership will work together to:

Objective 1: Increase and improve workforce diversity and address pay gaps.

  • Partnership Aim 1:

We want organisations to be representative of the communities they serve.

  • Actions
    1. Develop initiatives to remove barriers to employment and create opportunities to target underrepresented groups, for example through work experience, mentoring opportunities, apprenticeships, and internships.
    2. Eliminate pay gaps by reporting and give consideration to sharing non-gender pay gap data such as ethnicity and disability.
    3. Create a culture of change.

Objective 2: Actively involve communities and stakeholders.

  • Partnership Aim 2:

We want to actively involve diverse communities and stakeholders in our organisations work, eliminate all forms of discrimination relating to protected characteristics, reduce stigma and ensure everyone has the opportunity to participate.

  • Actions
  1. Involve stakeholders and communities to develop services that meet the needs of diverse communities, for example through co-produced policies, initiatives, and user research.
  2. Identify the right opportunities for collaboration and partnership working across the public sector.
  3. Share innovative practices and experiences of effective engagement.

Objective 3: Embed equality in procurement and commissioning.

  • Partnership Aim 3:

Ensure Wales public sector expenditure addresses inequalities.

  • Actions
    1. Share good practice in embedding the requirements of the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED), Wellbeing of the Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, and Social Partnership and Public Procurement.

Objective 4: Delivering Inclusive Services.

  • Partnership Aim 4:

Enable everyone to participate fully in society by ensuring fair access to services.

  • Actions
    1. Create inclusive opportunities for all by reflecting the needs of groups with protected characteristics and intersectionality.
    2. Promote equality, diversity and inclusion learning and processes within organisations to help deliver services that are free of discrimination and bias.
    3. Share good practice and experiences of delivering inclusive services, for example accessible digital services.

Application of the 5 Ways of Working - Well-being of Future Generations (Wales)


The objectives have been informed through understanding inequality insight evidenced through ‘Is Wales fairer’ - The state of equality and human rights, the Equality and Human Rights Commissions review of the public sector equality duty, 2019 and information from our collective organisations. The consultation process included engagement with people from a range of diverse communities and backgrounds.

Long term

The high-level objectives are recognised as long-term objectives that will exist beyond the four-year cycle of the SEP. Organisations uniting behind the objectives will achieve greater impact for future generations in enjoying a fairer society and more equal Wales


Public Bodies will unite behind shared objectives and are committed to working together to meet the objectives. Partnership bodies have signed a ‘memorandum of understanding’ which outlines their commitment to collaborative working.


The high-level objectives have been informed through insight, they align to Welsh Government long term equality aims and contribute to a more equal Wales (FGA) and a fairer society (Equality act, 2010). Application of the five ways of working has supported integration across duties. Each of the partnership bodies will integrate the shared objectives within their own strategy and planning.


Stakeholders and recipients of public services were involved in the development of the objectives. Through the delivery of the objectives the partnership has committed to engage with people and communities in the design of services that will ensure equality of outcome and services that meet peoples needs.

Equality, diversity and inclusion

Our Strategic Equality Objectives 2024 - 2028

Last updated