Lower Swansea Valley Forest Resource Plan - Approved 21 March 2022

Location and setting

The Lower Swansea Valley comprises two geographically distinct woodlands located in the Swansea Valley. These are the woodlands of Kilvey Hill and Ynys Mond. Kilvey Hill is a predominantly conifer forest that was established in the 1970’s to help to stabilise and recondition the soils on a previously heavily modified industrial landscape, while Ynys Mond is now predominantly a native broadleaved woodland which has been converted from a conifer plantation forest. Kilvey Hill is surrounded on three sides by urban areas of Swansea and sees a high level of public use. Ynys Mond is a quiet and tranquil woodland which is mainly used by walkers.


Our vision for the two woodlands is for well managed forests which attract users. For Kilvey Hill we plan to increase access for the community and integrate the management of the woodland in partnership with the neighbours through a higher level of engagement.

Kilvey Hill

  • Native Broadleaved Woodland

We will convert Kilvey Hill over time to a predominantly native broadleaved woodland through the removal of diseased pine and larch trees.

  • Species Diversity

We will make sure we choose appropriate tree species to ensure resilience to emerging pests and diseases and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

  • Infrastructure

We will upgrade the existing access road to facilitate woodland operations and extend fair and equitable access opportunities.

  • Health and Wellbeing

Our forest management will take into account the existing and potential public use of the forest when planning operations to maintain health and wellbeing opportunities.

We will develop and maintain existing walking routes.

  • Communication

We will develop a communications strategy for the planned conversion of the forest including the upgrading of the main access road.

We will carry out work to identify and communicate with local stakeholders to develop an action plan to sustainably manage Kilvey Hill’s natural resources for people and nature.

  • Stakeholders

We will continue to work in partnership with local interest groups, maintain access and minimise user conflict within the woodland.

  • Conservation and Biodiversity

We will develop an area of priority heathland on the top of Kilvey Hill to improve connectivity for non-woodland species.

Ynys Mond

  • Native Broadleaved Woodland

We will continue the conversion of the woodland to native broadleaved woodland through appropriate forest management.

  • Health and Wellbeing

We will maintain the existing recreation provision of this tranquil woodland.

  • Invasive species

We will continue to remove invasive rhododendron working with our neighbours.

  • Conservation and Biodiversity

We will survey for the rare Blue Ground Beetle which has been found in native woodlands close by.


Kilvey Hill

Location map
Long-term primary objectives map
Forest management systems map
Indicative forest types and habitats map

Ynys Mond

Location map
Long-term primary objectives map
Forest management systems map
Indicative forest types and habitats map

Comments or feedback

If you have any comments or feedback, you can contact the Forest Resource Planning team at frp@naturalresourceswales.gov.uk

Last updated