Talbot Woods Forest Resource Plan - Approved 2 September 2021

Location and setting

The Talbot Woods Forest Resource Plan consist of two substantial woodlands connected to the Briton Ferry/Port Talbot/Baglan built up area, wholly within the unitary authority of Neath Port Talbot.

The two woodlands, Briton Ferry and Mynydd Dinas – 182 ha and 133 ha respectively, are unified by their proximity to large towns, high levels of informal public access and diverse woodlands of mixed broadleaf and conifer trees that can produce timber.

The surrounding landscape is a mixture of enclosed farmland, productive woodlands and semi natural grassland.

Summary of objectives 

The following management objectives have been agreed in order to maintain and enhance the resilience of ecosystems, and the benefits they provide:

  • Diversify the species composition of the forest, with consideration to both current and future site conditions, increasing resilience to pests, disease and climatic changes, whilst building a robust forest for future generations.
  • Prioritise the restoration of Ancient Woodland Sites in Briton Ferry, through the gradual removal of conifers from these areas, using LISS where viable.
  • Enhance the structural diversity of the woodland through the application of Low Impact Silvicultural Systems (LISS) where appropriate and through consideration of the scale, size and timing of clear-fell operations. A diverse permanent forest structure will be maintained, incorporating areas of well thinned productive trees with a wide age class diversity, riparian and native woodland, natural reserves, long term retentions, and a mosaic of open habitats.
  • Continue to maintain a sustainable supply of timber production, through the design of felling and choice of restock species and through the utilisation of site appropriate silvicultural systems.
  • Work with the local community and our partners, including the Public Service Board, to identify and progress actions which maintain and enhance the recreational, health and social benefits provided by the woodland and to reduce anti-social activities.


Location map
Long term primary objectives
Forest management systems
Indicative forest types and habitats

Comments or feedback

If you have any comments or feedback, you can contact the Forest Resource Planning team at frp@naturalresourceswales.gov.uk​.

Last updated