We understand landscapes as place-based environmental settings:

  • whose character results from the actions and interactions of natural resources and cultural factors;
  • that provide the landscape-scale integrating context for the sustainable management of natural resources;
  • that provide multiple well-being benefits for people

view of afon dwyryd estuary

Photo©John Briggs

We are guided by the European Landscape Convention, within the context of:

  • The sustainable management of natural resources, within the context of the Environment (Wales) Act 2016; and well-being, within the context of the Well-being of Future Generations Act (Wales) 2015

We offer evidence, guidance and advice across a wide range of policies, programmes, plans and projects. These include Planning Policy Wales and Development Management, Designated Landscapes, Marine Planning and local Well-being Assessments. 

We also consider landscape in the management of our estate, which includes the Welsh Government’s Woodland Estate, being 7% of Wales. We monitor our landscape evidence through NRW’s State of Natural Resources Report (SoNaRR) and we will contribute to Area Statements.

Policy Context

Landscape Assessments


Read guidance on carrying out a Landscape Sensitivity Assessment




Last updated