New Marine Nature Networks Programme: Call for applications

New Marine Nature Networks Programme: Call for applications
We are currently seeking ambitious and passionate marine experts to deliver a range of projects to improve the condition of Wales’ Marine Protected Areas Network.
Are you confident, enthusiastic, and organised, and a willing team player with excellent people skills?
Are you passionate about the environment?
Do you have expertise in the marine environment and its use and management?
Would you like to work as part of an exciting programme to improve the marine environment around Wales?
If so, then apply now….
What’s it all about?
We are putting in place an exciting new three year programme of marine work with support from Welsh Government’s Nature Networks Programme. We are looking for motivated marine experts to deliver a suite of projects focussed on the Welsh Marine Protected Area Network:
Improving Marine Conservation Advice Project
Understanding the scale of deterioration of Marine Protected Area (MPA) features due to coastal squeeze
Rumney Great Wharf Saltmarsh Restoration project
Investigations into the decline of species and benthic habitats in the MPA Network
Marine Invasive Non-Natives Species (INNS) management and Network Wide Biosecurity Planning Project
Welsh Acoustic Marine Mammal Survey (WAMMS)
Marine Litter Project
Bait collection Project
What posts are available?
Below is a full list of the new marine posts. We welcome applications for multiple posts -one application form per post of the same grade- as well as applications for secondments. If you are interested in a secondment, please discuss with your employer and contact NRW as soon as possible.
Team Leader: Marine Projects (203179) – As Team Leader of this new team within NRW you will be responsible for leading and overseeing a team of technical specialists to deliver a range of practical projects to improve water quality, deliver nature based solutions and improve the condition of features of the Welsh Marine Protected Area Network.
Marine Environmental Assessment Officer (203183) In this role, you will sit in the new Marine Projects team. You will support the delivery of the Improving Conservation Advice project, producing condition assessments and new conservation advice for all marine SPAs and SACs in Wales.
Specialist Officer, Intertidal Management (203181) In this role, you will sit within the new Marine Projects team. You will manage the delivery of work that will investigate, develop and deliver management actions for bait collection activity across Wales.
Senior Marine Environmental Officer (203180) In this role, you will sit within the new Marine Projects Team. You will lead the delivery of projects that investigate the reasons for the decline of a range of habitats and species in the MPA network.
Marine Environmental Assessment Officer (203184) In this role, you will sit within the new Marine Projects Team. You will support the delivery of projects that investigate the reasons for the decline of a range of habitats and species in the MPA network.
Officer, Marine Projects (203182) In this role, you will sit within the new Marine Projects team. You will support delivery of actions to address marine litter.
Advisor, Marine Nature Networks (203189) In this role, you will sit in the Marine and Coastal policy and Planning Team. You will support work that will improve our understanding of the loss of marine and coastal habitats as a result of coastal squeeze.
Advisor, Marine Ecology, Nature Networks (203190) In this role, you will sit in the Marine and Coastal Ecosystems Team. You will support work to develop the evidence base around bait collection and help put in place the Welsh Acoustic Marine Mammal Survey.