North Wales local heroes event brings communities together

A free family event featuring local community heroes was hosted at Wrexham’s Queen Square on Saturday 28 May.
Here, Philip Barrett, NRW Environment Officer in the Denbighshire Team, joins us to share some of the highlights…
This event provided the perfect opportunity for public services to engage with local families and share how they go about protecting communities across North Wales. NRW Officers joined-up with heroes from police, fire and ambulance services, mountain rescue teams and the British Army, amongst others, who took part in the event.
The event was a unique opportunity for the public to meet their local community heroes face to face, with a wide range of activities happening throughout the day. These included live firefighter demonstrations and military and vehicle exercises.
We were glad to be able to show the partnership work that takes place between NRW and the Fire and Rescue Services to help reduce any potential environmental and human health impact following incidents.
We had an incident van on show to demonstrate basic pollution prevention equipment along with sampling kits. These were accompanied by the environmental protection unit, which is provided to the fire service by NRW to assist during more complex incidents.
NRW Officers also demonstrated the effect some pollutants can have on our rivers. This was done by putting some coloured water into bottles. Then to simulate pollutants white was used for milk, grey for sewage, black for fire run off and brown for sediment from in-river works.
We would like to extend a huge thank you to North Wales Fire and Rescue Service who led on organising the event.