Consultation on change to Bryn Posteg landfill permit

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) is encouraging people in the Llanidloes area to have their say on proposed changes to the environmental permit of the Bryn Posteg landfill site.
After looking carefully at the evidence, NRW has drafted changes to the existing environmental permit.
333,302 cubic metres of waste had previously been deposited above the permitted amount.
The change to the permit would allow that waste to remain on site, and for 116,657 cubic metres of additional waste to be deposited.
Before making a final decision, NRW is giving people the chance to comment on the proposal.
People will be able to bring forward any new information which hasn’t already been considered through previous consultations.
Natural Resources Wales’ Permitting Team Leader for Installations and Radioactive Substances Regulations, Holly Noble said:
“We know that developments at Bryn Posteg is important to many people in the Llanidloes area.
“We will only grant a permit variation if we believe that significant pollution will not be caused.
“Any permit we grant will include appropriate conditions to protect human health and the environment.”
A drop-in session to inform people of the proposed changes was due to be held during the consultation period but had to be cancelled due to public health advice regarding the ongoing COVID-19 situation.
An alternative to an in-person drop-in session will be found to allow people to discuss the proposed changes with permitting officers. Further information will be provided when it is available.
The consultation covers the proposed changes to the environmental permit for the site. Planning matters such as the effect of the site on local roads are dealt with by Powys County Council.
Information on how to take part in the consultation is available on the NRW website. A hard copy is available by request to the email or postal address below.
All comments need to be received in writing by 24 April 2020 to or:
Permitting Team Leader – Installations and RSR, Permitting Service, Natural Resources Wales, Cambria House, 29 Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 0TP.