Forest users invited to drop-in session about the future of Brechfa Forest

Local people who enjoy using Brechfa Forest, Carmarthenshire, are invited to a drop-in session to find out how Natural Resources Wales (NRW) plans to manage the woodlands over the next 10 years.
On Thursday 17 November, between 12-7pm, people can drop in at Brechfa Chruch Hall to find out and ask questions about NRW’s plans for the woodlands in its updated Forest Resource Plan (FRP). The event is supported by local community group, Pobl y Fforest.
The plan will support the delivery of NRW’s sustainable forest management and sets out objectives for the next 10 years. It considers the benefits of the site to the local community and visitors, those who depend on the area for their livelihood and future generations, while safeguarding its long-term resilience in relation to the nature and climate emergencies.
Andrew Hood, Senior Officer in Forest Planning, for NRW, said:
“We know how valued our woodlands are, and we want to make sure the people who use them have the opportunity to feed back on the Brechfa FRP. Attending our drop-in session is an opportunity for people to speak to NRW staff face to face.
“This plan will allow the forest to become more resilient. A resilient forest is good for nature and people, and will help maintain an important recreational resource and special place for people to visit. Our management decisions during the plan’s lifespan will be based on evidence and regular monitoring.”
A spokesperson for Pobl y Fforest said:
"NRW is offering you the chance to find out about how they are proposing to manage Brechfa Forest. If you want to know more about the ‘whats’ and ‘whys’ of the plans and to have your comments heard, this is an opportunity not to be missed.”
NRW’s online consultation has been extended to Friday 2 December for people to read the plans in detail and leave feedback.
Anyone wishing to participate but unable to view the proposals online can contact 0300 065 3000 and request a hard copy. All feedback must be returned by Friday, 2 December, 2022.
Residents who wish to send feedback by post can send it to:
Brechfa Forest Resource Plan Consultation
Maes Newydd
Neath Port Talbot
SA10 6JQ