Local Government and Natural Resources Wales commit to working together for a greener future

The Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) and Natural Resources Wales (NRW) have solidified their commitment to closer collaboration as they work together to address the nature and climate emergencies, prevent pollution and coordinate our work to better serve the communities of Wales.
Local Authorities and NRW already work together on a range of common interests including planning, flood and water management, waste, countryside and land management. This renewed agreement signed by NRW and WLGA, on behalf of all 22 local authorities will help both the communities and the environment of Wales.
At a time of unprecedented strain on the public sector purse this new agreement recognises that early intervention is always cheaper and more effective than taking a reactive approach.
This agreement will help the organisations work better together, by combining resources and expertise in ways which provide a more efficient and effective service to local communities.
Gareth O’Shea, Executive Director of Operations at NRW, said:
“Our climate is already changing and will continue to do so. In the future, citizens across Wales will face rising sea levels and temperatures, and more extreme weather events.
“The quality of our natural habitats is also declining and many of our species are at risk of extinction. Levels of pollution must be minimised.
“These trends will affect our communities, the services we deliver, our assets and our infrastructure. Working in isolation to address these impacts and prevent these incidents just won’t be enough.
“We very much welcome this agreement which will help us and our partners in local authorities. It sets out a framework through which can better coordinate collaborative action, share knowledge and best practice across authorities and so respond to the challenges we face from both the climate and nature emergencies.”
Councillor Andrew Morgan OBE, WLGA Leader said:
“The state of our shared environment and nature presents some of the most defining challenges of our age. Councils across Wales are working hard in the efforts to tackle climate change and working to achieve Net Zero.
"But local government does not work in a vacuum, and partnership working is vital not only to face these challenges on a strategic level, but to continually improve the environment, economy and society in Wales.”
“The signing of this memorandum will help us build on collaboration between NRW and local authorities, through the WLGA. We look forward to seeing this vital work develop as we work together on our mutual priorities.”