Natural Resources Wales calls on public sector in Wales to join forces in creating a nature positive future

As world leaders gather to discuss how to tackle climate change at the annual COP28 conference, Natural Resources Wales is calling on the public sector in Wales to sign up and commit to the ‘Nature and Us’ vision for Wales in 2050, where we see society and nature thrive together.
In an open letter, NRW’s Chief Executive Clare Pillman has urged public sector organisations to work together and with the people of Wales to respond and commit to act on this shared vision for the future.
The Nature and Us vision sets out an inspirational challenge to find solutions to the nature and climate emergency.
It was created by a citizens' assembly from the voices of thousands of people across Wales who shared what future they want to see for our natural environment.
The vision describes a future Wales where nature and society thrive together based on a shared commitment to protect and restore nature.
It sees more equal access to green space, greener infrastructure and stronger connections to our local area and where our food comes from.
It also identifies key steps that government and the wider public sector can take to enable people to play a bigger role in creating this future. These include: showing leadership, involving people more in decision making, and sharing information better to inform and empower people to act.
NRW, who supported the Nature and Us initiative that led to the vision, have now published their commitment to making this vision a reality in the open letter.
The letter sets out how NRW will use and share its evidence, look after the land in its care, and involve people to accelerate action for nature.
It also says achieving these goals must be a shared endeavour and nature must be better reflected in our collective business planning.
Clare Pillman, CEO of Natural Resources Wales said:
“NRW has set a challenge to itself on whether we go far enough in meeting the vision. I’ve concluded that now, more than ever, we need to work together as Public Services in Wales so that we can co-design more inclusive and integrated solutions to overcome these acute challenges, and we can keep this Vision in mind as a beacon for hope for the future.
“Many of us are working towards change already, and Wales has a lot to celebrate. But we need to collectively raise the bar for nature, and for the well-being of current and future generations.”
“We cannot do this alone – we must all work together with the people of Wales for nature and for us.”
The letter was sent directly to CEO’s of public sector organisations in Wales. It is available on NRW’s website.
Read the Nature and Us vision and get more information about Nature and Us here.