NRW launches flood map for planning

Natural Resources Wales (NRW) has launched the Flood map for Planning designed to provide better information for planning applications within flood risk areas, replacing the existing Development Advice Map.
The map aims to give users the most up to date and accurate flood risk information in order to plan the siting of developments effectively.
The map, which contains information on tidal, fluvial and surface water flooding, plus the presence of major flood defences, is designed to highlight at risk areas in Wales and ensure organisations are siting developments in the most appropriate locations.
Insurance costs related to flooding totalled around £81 million in Wales last year, largely impacted by the effects of Storms Ciara, Dennis and Jorge in February which flooded over 3,000 properties. This map will allow developers to avoid and/or plan around flood risk when building new homes or businesses.
The new map Is based on the latest and most accurate flood risk modelling technology for the main sources of flood risk.
Mark Pugh, principle advisor for flood risk analysis for NRW, said:
“Flooding can devastate communities and the impacts of climate change mean that we’re likely to see more extreme weather events in the future. Being aware and keeping informed about flood risk is more important than ever, especially when it comes to building projects.
“Our new map is a big improvement on our old one, using the latest, most up to date data to give a clear assessment of an area’s flood risk so that people and organisations are as informed as possible while planning their projects.
“Ignoring an area’s flood risk can lead to developments at inappropriate sites with the potential for massive future costs to reduce flood risk. We encourage any company or organisation to include this improved service as part of their planning process”
The new map will be available from 28 September on the NRW website: Flood Map for Planning / Development Advice Map