NRW urges social distancing

Natural Resources Wales is urging people to stop all unnecessary travel to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus.
Clare Pillman, NRW spokesperson said:
“Whilst we know people will want to spend time outdoors over the coming weeks, we are asking people to follow the Public Health Wales guidance on social distancing
“Avoid large and small gatherings in public spaces and do not travel unnecessarily.
"Our advice is to take care of yourself and when possible, relax and keep active by continuing to explore and enjoy local spaces close to home."
If people do not adhere to this guidance, NRW will have to take drastic measures to protect the communities and health services in Wales, such as shutting down car parks and trails.
In these challenging times NRW will focus all its effort, energy and resource in the coming days and weeks on maintaining its core services.
We will be pleased to welcome visitors back to Wales once the situation has improved.