Flood risk management plans 2023 to 2029
Flood risk management plans (FRMPs) set out how we will manage flood risk in key areas across Wales over the next six years.
The plans explain the priorities and actions that we propose to manage the risk of flooding at a national and local level. They also consider how we need to adapt and mitigate against climate change.
National overview
National Flood Risk management plan
Flood risk management plan by region
Environmental Assessments
We have carried out environmental assessments to make sure that environmental effects, including social and cultural, are considered as part of our plans.
Strategic Environmental Assessment – Environmental Report
Appendix E Mid Wales Local Measures
Appendix F North East Wales Local Measures
Appendix G North West Wales Local Measures
Appendix H South Central Wales Local Measures
Appendix I South East Wales Local Measures
Appendix J South West Wales Local Measures
Habitats Regulations Assessment
How the plans are developed
The latest plans have been produced in line with the requirements of the Flood Risk Regulations (2009).
They cover the risk of flooding from rivers, reservoirs and the sea. Flooding from surface water and smaller watercourses is led by the Lead Local Flood Authorities (LLFAs). They publish their own strategies on how they deal with this type of flooding in their area.
The plans have been reviewed by the LLFAs and other relevant organisations producing the updated river basin management plans.
We have also worked with the Environment Agency to make sure we are joined-up on any shared catchments.
A public consultation was held on the draft plans from March 2023 to May 2023. Read the Flood Risk Management Plan consultation summary response document.
Flood risk management plan 2015 - 2021
The first flood risk management plan was published in December 2015.